New Calendar Proposal.

New Calendar Proposal.

Remembering dates will still escape most of us.

Astrophysicist Richard Conn Henry and applied economist Steve Hanke of Johns Hopkins University have proposed a new calender system to better keep dates in line. Most of us now are use to the current system where a date will fall on a different day of the week. Christmas will always be on the same date, however may be on Monday one year and Wednesday the next. The proposed system would keep that holiday on the same day year after year.

Under the new system every third month would have 31 days, with the rest of the months having 30, giving us 364 days. They dropped the 366-day leap years in favor of an extra week at the end of December every five or six years. The whole concept was initially designed to keep things simple, and allow more direct calculations of time for people. Other proposals have come and gone; many requiring new days of the week and breaking a system everyone has become all too comfortable with.

“Rescheduling happens every year because it has to happen, but it doesn't really have to happen every year if you have the kind of calendar that we're proposing," Hanke added – demonstrating that their proposal would go a long way to keeping things as simple and accurate as possible. One only has to wonder how willing people would be to adopt the new system. I'm sure the Calendar companies are watching this one closely. Not that they really need to worry about printing anything for 2013 unless the post Apocalypse mutant hoards also want adorable kittens in precarious situations to brighten their days.