March 2012

I say Zeltron, you think dirty.

And you really should not

Star Wars is loaded with different species, many unknown to the average Joe. One species that has generated a cult following “ for questionable reasons” is the Zeltron. Now for those not in the know-it, here is a brief description. The Zeltron are a species of super heightened sense of empathy, able to send and receive emotional queues from others. If you think about it, Zeltron have a big down side because they feel everything everyone around you feels. To combat this, the species developed into one of constant distraction from the negative.

Sci-fi is more than we think.

It goes beyond hope for the human condition.

When it comes to sci-fi people think of the epic technology, or the little notes on the social aspects of our species. For better or worse, a glimpse into the human mind and heart. We see the writers as people who were able to see us in a light so few can and with that power look beyond with a vague sense of prophecy to how we have developed in one manner or another.

Sometimes it's fun to let go

Bring out the pulp.

It's normal for a good Sci-fi series to be dripping with the writers own worldly views, social commentary, or spins on humanities advancement in technology to a sometimes frighteningly accurate level. Yet, at least in my oppinion there comes a time where it's nice to be able to set all that aside, or just slip into a book in which most of those issues can be utterly and completely ignored and ride the adventure alone.

Haters gonna hate

But I love it

Seems I cant help but go on about Bioware this week, It's because Mass Effect 3 came out, and once again took some impressive steps in story telling and creating a rich universe for gamers, or fans of sci-fi in general. Once more they manage to deliver a story that is not only exciting, but embraces concepts greatly lacking in the genre.

Beyond the Bot

Isaac Asimov getting tiny.

Isaac, writer of I robot, Bicentennial ma, the last great question and creator of the three rules of robotics is perhaps the true godfather of robotic advancement. We see Droids working with humans in the manufacturing world, healthcare, and even cleaning up our own messes. Though still a far cry from the Rosie or C3-POs of poplar media. There is one place though that robotics ventures that too few have put deep thought into. Were talking the world of nanites.