I shot first...

I shot first...

and Toto too...

It's time we take a break from social talk for the week and turn to something much more important, and more vital to everyone of us alive. To put right a wrong that has been done to us all. To rise up and let our voices be heard one last resounding time with all the combined might of the Imperial navy and Rebellion behind us. “ HAN SHOT FIRST!”


May be common knowledge to all of us, yet apparently there is one person who just does not seem to get it. Or actually has shown more and more to not get his own creation anymore. Yes we talk of ol' George himself. Many of us are pretty frustrated with the endless changes to the Star Wars series that seem to undermine it's entire tale for the sake of marketing. Many of us feel our childhoods raped by some of the directions he has gone with our beloved characters. Even Indiana Jones seems to have gotten hit with the whole mess. As you can see above in the picture that it may seem George was finally getting the hint. No, he was trolling us.


We all saw Han shoot Greedo in the Cantina. Greedo ws going to turn in our roguish hero to the Hutts, and in the true style of outlaw hero shot the bounty hunter in a sleazy dive bar and oh so casually leave a tip to help with “ clean up” THAT is how it happened. Not this oddly done magick snake like movement and pause to dodge greedo's shot then return fire. No, NO, BAD Mr. Lucas. Well sadly George has decided to back up his assault on our lived by offering this:


"The controversy over who shot first, Greedo or Han Solo, in Episode IV, what I did was try to clean up the confusion, but obviously it upset people because they wanted Solo [who seemed to be the one who shot first in the original] to be a cold-blooded killer, but he actually isn't. It had been done in all close-ups and it was confusing about who did what to whom. I put a little wider shot in there that made it clear that Greedo is the one who shot first, but everyone wanted to think that Han shot first, because they wanted to think that he actually just gunned him down."


He may want to get his eyes checked or something, because in any “version” I see Han shooting first, clearly. The poor Rodian bounty hunter never pulls the trigger or stiffens his arm to fire. Thus meaning he never actually shot...that all adds up to ...wait or it.... wait for...... you know I also never never got the point of the remastered “ jedi rocks”, what was so wrong with the original version that.....no, no I'll save that one for later.