Haters gonna hate

Haters gonna hate

But I love it

Seems I cant help but go on about Bioware this week, It's because Mass Effect 3 came out, and once again took some impressive steps in story telling and creating a rich universe for gamers, or fans of sci-fi in general. Once more they manage to deliver a story that is not only exciting, but embraces concepts greatly lacking in the genre.


People no doubt remember the game series first brush with media uproar. The First Mass Effect made waves when people were misinformed by a ' certain news network' and based by a 'expert' for it's over the top sexuality, and that sleeping it anyone and everyone was the games focus. Because Apparently .5 seconds of a bare butt in heavy shadow during a very very small and emotionally powerful moment is over the top. The network was trashed for their statements, and their ' expert' saw her newly released book destroyed on amazon, until she finally sat down and played- and quickly took back everything she said.


With the third installment Bioware once more reached into it's bag of powerful and emotional storytelling that brought with it a wave of emotions. More than one scene becoming flat out heartbreaking. Yes, I've fallen to tears several times already and still only half way through the game. When it comes to same sex relationships in the stories Bioware has never been shy. Sometimes it's more subtle, but I will say that ME throws that to the side, more over with a certain character that – without spoilers- blows open the taboo of openly gay, and strong gay leads that dont fit the comical stereotypes other games seem to take. This characters scene was powerful, and done in a way that felt natural, nor was it ever reacted to by other characters as anything odd. If you are a fan of sci-fi the ME series is a must- even if you have not fallen into the world of gaming, this series alone is a must. Have to play all three though, trust me things you do in one carry over in the two follow ups. Just...go, go get it.