That was one of the things I enjoyed so much growing up and reading things like the Mars series or the origional Conan books. They were just pure fantasy, you could completely get lost in the story. No worries of deeper meaning, not having to debate over how solid the science is behind it all. Just getting caught up in the adventure, and nothing else. No matter how absurd it may have become, none of it mattered.
Thats not to say I don't enjoy a deeper story. It may be one heavy in science tech, or heavy themes. To be honest those tend to be what I normally turn to, seeking that stimulation of thought. There is something lacking however, rarely can the two sides compliment eachother in a long run without one becoming dominant over the other, and in this driving a story to be rather incoherant. The silly fantasy pulp style writing takes me back to the days of Commander Cody and other old serials-which are so enjoyable, and yet so painful to watch sometimes just because it is so “ behind” when held up to todays standards.