America's First Trekkie President

America's First Trekkie President

Much news has been made about Barack Obama being America's first black president. But few people realize that the REAL first is much more relevant: Barack Obama is America's first Trekkie president. I first stumbled across this astounding fact when I was listening to a rerun of the NPR show "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" which featured a lengthy interview with Leonard Nimoy. Nimoy mentioned that he happened to walk through a hotel which was holding a rally for Obama's candidacy. Obama spotted Nimoy as he crossed the lobby, and - unbidden - grinned and flashed Nimoy the Vulcan hand signal. A little bit of digging turns up further evidence of Obama's Trek credentials. Last March during a rally in Wyoming, Obama is quoted as saying, "I grew up on Star Trek. I believe in the final frontier." This quote was said in the context of a discussion about NASA and America's space program, but I think the conclusion is obvious. For more than 20 years, faithful Trekkies have daydreamed about the time when real life could begin to resemble Star Trek. From television's first inter-racial kiss, to the consistently multi-cultural Enterprise crew, through to Captain Picard's level headed diplomacy, Star Trek has given us a picture of a wonderful world. A world where racial and gender equality are incorporated seamlessly into everyday life. Where strangers are neither tortured, nor oppressed by a technologically superior culture. A world where the people in charge would do anything to prevent a war. A world where rational, fact-based diplomacy saves the day.