Star Trek Burger King Tie-Ins

Star Trek Burger King Tie-Ins

I'm so deeply ashamed. OK; not really, but as excited as I am about the new Star

Trek movie—which my friends who have seen it are saying is definitely worth the wait—my Trek geek soul is absolutely determined to get all four of Burger King's tie-in glasses. In case you haven't seen them, they are genuine glasses, a set of four, for $1.99 each. They're beer-sized, which of course, makes them even better. The four glasses have etched color art all around, and feature Kirk/Enterprise, Uhura/Enterprise, Nero/Narada, and Spock/Original Spock with Jellfish Ship. They're sold in decorative card board boxes, which means, yes, buying at least one set to store. You don't want to know what I made last year by selling my set of Star Wars Burger King glasses from 1977. And, by the way, if you look around you can probably find left over Romulan Ale from the Las Vegas Star Trek Experience for sale.

There are toys, too; sixteen, four a week for four weeks, available as part of the kid's meal. Eight of them are oddly distorted characters, eight are ships and devices, and yeah, of course I want the Communicator! They have sound effects, too. You can see the glasses, and the toys, and hear the sound effects, here. I've linked to the Burger King commercial below. The commercial is one of the dorkiest I've ever seen, but the glasses are sweet.