
Can they pull it off twice?

Bioware to pump Same sex romance back into the Star Wars universe.

Most people who know gaming are fully aware that Bioware, makers of such iconic games such as the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series, the original Knights of the Old Republic as well as others are not afraid to tell a deep character story including romance options into their games. More over they have never been too shy about including same sex romances. While one can argue that there are times the gaming giant seems to “ tip toe” with the issue, or pander more to the female/female options more than the other to win over the 16-35 year old male demographic more- the fact remains that they are still one of the only companies to approach the subject in a way that feels more ' natural' and not overloaded with a stereotyped characterization many other games have used. “ oh, a gay male quest giver? write him as flaming as you can for lols!”


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